But what is brachioplasty?
For many of us the next three months means one thing – skimpier clothes. Loose skin on the arms is a worry for many and, more often than not, frantic sessions at the gym just do not cut it.
An arm lift – or brachioplasty – is a lesser-known surgery that addresses these fatty tissue problems. The cosmetic procedure aims to get rid of underarm fat and excess skin, more commonly known as bingo wings or batwings, caused by the ageing process or weight loss.
Most upper arm lifts include liposuction, where loose skin is removed from the back of the arms.
The alternative option, which is less invasive, is a mini brachioplasty. Sagging skin is tucked up under the armpit, leaving an insignificant scarring on the underarm where hair grows.
And an increasing number of us are looking to fix that upper arm wobble. Baywatch star Donna D’Errico revealed she underwent an arm lift – in addition to a tummy tuck, buttock fat transfer and liposuction – in a bid to feel body confident.
Banishing flabby upper arms is tricky and the number of patients seeking this surgery has hit an all-time high with 102,588 arm lifts taking place around the globe in 2015.
Recent research also suggests that the procedure is a lot less risky than previously thought, making it even more attractive to potential patients.
And for those women who have rapidly shed bags of weight, they may look to lift back sagging underarm skin to complete their new, tighter look.
Trim, toned upper arms are a popular aesthetic look, with fit, strong bodies that look gym-honed top of the ‘must have’ look for many women.
Some of the more famous upper arms belong to the likes of former First Lady Michelle Obama and Friends star Jennifer Aniston who experts say are both to thank for this latest cosmetic trend.
Combine this celebrity influence with the spaghetti strap dresses in the summer and strapless LBDs during winter’s festive celebrations, you can see why the procedure is booming in popularity.
But be warned, you will have to sacrifice something for toning – the procedure leaves scars along the insides of your arms that run from the armpit to the elbow.
However, most patients find recovery to be relatively easy with only a short time off from work and away from heavy lifting activities.
Patients are often most comfortable wearing loose clothing on the day of surgery, with button up fronted tops.
And medications are administered to keep patients comfortable during the surgical procedure.
For safety reasons, during the operation various monitors will check the amount of oxygen circulating, as well as your heart and blood pressure.
After the operation is completed, the patient is then closely monitored while resting in a recovery area.
It is important to get up and start walking from day one. Although your arms will be sore for several days, you need to reduce the chances of blood clotting in the legs by getting active.
When it comes to bedtime, sleeping with your arms raised during the first two weeks helps to reduce inflammation and ensure the drainage of fluids.
And showering is important – but not until five days later, by which time all dressings should have been removed.
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