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Short Scar Face Lift
  • My face has loose skin
  • I have a tired looking face
  • I don’t like the saggy skin on my face

A short scar facelift is undertaken on the face and neck. A common procedure, it is designed to redefine the jaw line by both lifting and smoothing out the loose jowl. Usually carried out under general anaesthetic, with a one-night stay in hospital.

A short scar facelift is undertaken on the face and neck. A common procedure, it is designed to redefine the jaw line by both lifting and smoothing out the loose jowl. This results in a refreshed and more youthful looking face that improves facial definition and removes a heavy, tired look.

A short scar facelift is usually carried out under general anaesthetic, with a one-night stay in hospital typically required. However, on occasion, the procedure is carried out under a local anaesthetic.

A small incision will be made at the top of each ear and follow the front of the ear’s shape. The incision will go round the earlobe and back behind the ear, up to around 1cm. The surgeon will then use these incisions to remodel the skin and deep tissue. Small drainage tubes are inserted underneath the skin, before they are closed with a number of stitches. The surgeon may apply a head bandage to ensure there is sufficient pressure on the incisions, but this, along with the tubes, is usually removed the following day, before the patient goes home to recover.

The operation essentially contours the deep tissues in the cheek – known as the SMAS layer. This results in a more natural outcome, while providing a better result when compared to simple skin re-draping.

As mentioned above, patients are usually required to stay overnight, but a short scar facelift can be undertaken as an outpatient case. The procedure can also be related to certain forms of the neck contouring that don’t require any skin reduction. Chin liposuction and the anterior neck lift are good examples.

The procedure is most successful for those who are in their late 30s and early 40s. However, if patents have stayed away from the sun so have only a small amount UV damage, or if the skin has naturally stronger elasticity, it can be successful for older patients.

The procedure starts at around £2,000.

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Ms Angelica Kavouni

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