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  • I have mild blemishes and marks, pores and freckles
  • I suffer from melasma
  • I have unwanted scars

Spectra™ Laser Peel is a skin resurfacing, anti-ageing treatment which can reduce or eliminate pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, acne and scarring. Procedure time is around 45 minutes and involves a carbon solution to be placed on the skin.

Spectra™ Laser Peel is a skin resurfacing, anti-ageing treatment which can reduce or eliminate pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, acne and scarring. This in turn produces smoother, fresher and healthier looking skin. It can also tackle the skin condition, Melasma, and reduce inflammation caused by this, and acne, as well as skin damage caused by the sun. 

Procedure time is around 45 minutes. All treatments, whether treating Melasma, acne, or dull looking skin, all involve a carbon solution to be placed on the skin. The Spectra™ Laser Peel can then identify this carbon as a ‘tricked pigment’. As the Spectra™ Laser Peel is applied, the carbon absorbs the heat, passing it on to the underlying skin. This in turn creates an effective, exfoliating treatment by stimulating collagen production which rejuvenates the skin, and causes pores to shrink.

On consultation, your doctor will discuss options and a treatment plan suited to your skin conditions.

Spectra™ Laser Peel for:

Acne: Reduces the signs of acne by controlling sebum production. This is an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands which can be affected by acne causing unwanted breakouts. Spectra™ Laser Peel can control this, and in turn, shrink large pores and reduce inflammation and redness of the skin, and overall appearance of acne. The procedure will require two or three treatments after the first, over a period of two to three weeks, where dramatic, and appealing results will become visible.

Large pores: Around 5 Spectra™ Laser Peel treatments will be required to smooth skin and improve the appearance of enlarged pores. Repeated treatments are required every two to three weeks to maintain long-lasting results, and this should be performed twice a year for an overall maintenance programme.

Melasma and Pigmentation: Spectra™ Laser Peel can be used to treat skin pigmentation from sunspots and Melasma condition. This often occurs around the eyes, and cheeks.

Spectra™ Laser Peel for Melasma and pigmentation involves the application of a carbon mask and laser treatment to improve skin. Melasma treatment is gradual and can take up to 6-8 sessions for effective results. 

Spectra™ Laser Peel produce instant, immediate long-term results, but further treatment is required to maintain this. Unlike other chemical skin peels, Spectra™ Laser Peel does not upset the skin. There is no bleeding, or adverse chemical reactions. The procedure causing zero downtime, but there may be redness or irritation post-treatment, but will fade with time. 

Spectra™ Laser Peel creates a brighter, clearer and fresher complexion.

It is recommended to avoid exposure to the sun after treatment, and wear sunscreen when outdoors to protect the treated areas. 

Spectra™ Laser Peel is a popular treatment among well-known celebrities Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Anniston, and is the equivalent of having four chemical peels in a single session, with no downtime or complications. 

Prices vary from individual and is heavily dependent on the treatment areas and how many sessions are required. However, a single facial treatment usually starts at £200, with face and neck ranges from £220-£250, and in most cases, prices will become favourable the more you buy in sessions. 

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