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TCA Chemical Skin Peel
  • I have hyperpigmentation in my skin
  • My skin has suffered from ageing
  • My skin is wrinkly

A Trichloracetic Acid (TCA Chemical Skin Peel) solution is applied to the face to improve skin tone and pigment abnormalities as well as reducing the appearance of sun damage, scarring and wrinkles.

This is a chemical peel that is used as a way to resurface the skin. A Trichloracetic Acid (TCA) solution is applied to the face, making for a light to medium strength chemical peel. The outer surface layers of the skin are removed allowing new, healthy skin to emerge. This procedure can help to improve skin tone and pigment abnormalities as well as reducing the appearance of sun damage, scarring and wrinkles.

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A TCA chemical peel can be applied to the face and neck as well as other parts of the body where the skin may suffer from abnormalities such as sun damage or hyperpigmentation. The TCA process is preferred for treating sensitive areas such as the mouth and eyes as the solution has less of a bleaching effect than others on the market. Similarly, a TCA is also commonly used for treating patients with darker skin for the same reason.

A local or general anaesthetic can be applied when undergoing this treatment, as well as an intravenous sedation. The strength of the chemical peel depends on the desired effect. Up to one week of downtime can be expected after a TCA chemical peel.

New skin will appear in a bright pink colour, similar to how the skin looks after sunburn. Puffiness and pinkness can occur, but it will fade within a few days of the treatment being carried out.

Any type of resurfacing procedure will result in persistent pink skin, meaning it can be months until a patient can fully enjoy the results of this type of treatment. However, the effects are relatively long lasting and many believe that the dramatic results are worth the lengthier recovery time of a TCA chemical peel.

A TCA peel is priced at around £500 for four sessions.

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