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  • I have unwanted fat pockets
  • I have cellulite
  • I want firmer skin

Liposonix is an effective method for removing fat cells, non-surgically. Its ideal for both men and women and focuses on the inner and outer thighs, as well as the abdomen and hips.

Liposonix is ideal for both men and women it focuses on the inner and outer thighs, as well as the abdomen and hips. The procedure is so effective as it uses targeted ultrasound waves in order to break down fat cells in a specific area/s, all whilst not harming the outer layers of skin, nerves and blood vessels. Treatment is usually considered a painless one, meaning patients can usually return to life as soon as the treatment is finished. The results of the treatment are not immediate, but instead are seen over the following weeks as the body clears the fatty debris.

Liposonix uses innovative technology to get rid of unwanted fat permanently. The procedure is a form of ultrasound technology called High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and is used to safely destroy fat cells. The energy goes between one and two centimetres below the surface of the skin in order to avoid trauma, such as a surface burn, and ensure treatment is as comfortable as possible.

During the procedure, the system will be moved over the treatment area for between 30 and 60 minutes. The procedure works by essentially disrupting fat cells, before they are attracted by the body’s natural healing and inflammatory responses. They are then carried to the liver where they are metabolised by the body.
It takes around three months for the body to metabolise the fat, therefore the full results will not be seen for this period of time. As the fat cells have been destroyed it will not appear in other areas, and it cannot return to the treatment area as those cells do not exist in the body any more. Therefore it is imperative that you maintain the results with a healthy, balanced diet and undertake regular exercise. For optimal results, it is widely recommended that liposonix is combined with Thermage treatment, however your practitioner will be able to suggest the best course of action for you.

Liposonix is ideal for sculpting stomachs and waists thanks to its high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This innovative type of ultrasound targets the fat at a much deeper level than other sculpting devices. The fat cells are destroyed by a process called ‘thermal coagulation’ which causes the debris collected by the body’s macrophage – or ‘scavenger’ – cells, which is eventually broken down further and eliminated by the liver.

Treatment is generally considered to be painless, with no pain or discomfort post-treatment being reported. However a mild tingling and/or warm sensation have been reported during treatment.

The cost of the treatment depends on the size of the area/s being treated, as well as the number of areas that you have done in one session. Costs can range from £300 and cost as much as £800 per area.

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Dr Rita Rakus

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